November is Winter Driving Preparedness Month
Authors note: This media release was (perhaps optimistically) scheduled to be published on November 1. Mother Nature did not get the memo. Snow is here, roads are slick, and Sault Police ask that you please drive safely, cautiously, and according to road/weather conditions.
Winter is coming… and Sault Police want you to be a prepared driver. The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service recognizes November as Winter Driving Preparedness Month.
The Statistic Analysis Unit reports that between April 2022 and March 2023, the months of December, January, and February saw a higher number of motor vehicle collisions than any other months.
“Winter driving in Northern Ontario requires preparedness, and there is no better time to prepare than before the snow arrives,” states Ray Magnan, Sergeant of Traffic Services.
Winter driving preparedness involves making sure your vehicle is properly equipped – inside and out – as well as a shift to an even more cautious mindset.
Sault Police recommend doing the following:
- Change to winter (snow or studded) tires and check tire pressure and tread depth regularly
- Check to make sure your windshield wiper blades are fully functional and do not leave streaks; replace if necessary and consider purchasing winter wiper blades
- Check to make sure all lights and signals are working
- Ensure you always have at least half a tank of gas and plenty of wiper fluid rated for -30 degrees
- Keep your vehicle well-stocked for emergencies:
o Snow brush/ice scraper
o Shovel
o Road salt, sand, cat litter, or other gritty substance for traction
o Extra wiper fluid
o Jumper cables
o Tow strap
o Flashlight and batteries
o Basic tools
o Cell phone and charger
o Sunglasses (to reduce glare from snow)
o Gloves, toque, warm clothing, extra socks and shoes
o Blanket
o Reflector, flares, or brightly coloured cloth
o Candle in a deep can and matches
o Water (in small bottles for quicker thawing) and non-perishable snacks
o First aid kit and essential medications - Give yourself extra time to warm up your vehicle and scrape off frost or ice to avoid rushing to work or driving with an obstructed view
By following these recommendations, you can help keep yourself and others safe on our roadways this winter.