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Drug Use, Needle Disposal and Naloxone

Sault Ste. Marie and Prince Township, like many other communities across North America, are currently dealing with an opioid crisis.

We are committed to supporting community partners in helping individuals who are experiencing opioid addiction issues.

If you or someone you know is using opioids, get a naloxone kit. They are free and could save a life. They are available at a number of local locations. Find them here.

You may come across needles or sharps disposed of improperly. Please remember, sharps may pose a risk of physical harm or serious blood borne infections if handled inappropriately. If you choose to dispose of a found object, please follow these safety tips;

Do not:

  • Touch the object
  • Recap a needle
  • Bend a needle or sharp
  • Purposely break or remove the needle from the syringe


  • Use a pair of tongs, pliers or tweezers to pick up the needle or sharp. It is best to wear rubber gloves.
  • Pick the needle up by pointing the needle tip down and away from yourself
  • Put the needle in a hard plastic container, like a pop bottle, several millimetres thick with a tight lid and tape the lid shut

To learn more about how to get help for addiction, how to dispose of found needles or sharps or naloxone kits; please visit Algoma Public Health