New Station Increases Police Presence Downtown
The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service is pleased to announce that ‘Division 2,’ our new downtown police station, will soon be operational. This strategic move marks a significant step towards strengthening police presence and community safety in the downtown core.
Initially, various areas of Patrol Services will utilize the new space. Traffic Services, Bicycle Patrol, and officers working Dynamic Patrol initiatives will work out of the new location. This early activation is part of Sault Police’s ongoing commitment to ensuring a safer, more secure downtown environment for residents, businesses, and visitors.
“We are excited to see Division 2 coming to life,” says Hugh Stevenson, Chief of Police. “The increased police presence downtown will help us address community concerns more effectively and enhance our ability to respond quickly to incidents in the area. With the goal of being operational this summer, we hope it will help folks feel more at ease while they’re enjoying the plaza, waterfront, businesses, and all the other amenities our downtown has to offer.”
“On behalf of the Police Services Board we are proud to bring this project to fruition,” says John Bruno – Chair of the Police Services Board. “People in our community want more officers in our downtown, and we will continue to push toward that goal.”
“The opening of a downtown police station represents a significant step towards creating the downtown we strive for,” says City of Sault Ste. Marie Mayor Matthew Shoemaker. “Working with local organization such as the Sault Police to improve the downtown and addressing crime is a major part of developing a place where community members and visitors to Sault Ste. Marie want to spend their time at attractions in the area and their money at local businesses.”
Although the building is not yet open to the public, Sault Police anticipate further improvements in its operational efficiency and community engagement as we continue to transition more services to Division 2.
As renovations to the space are completed, Sault Police will look to bring in partner agencies, like Crime Stoppers of Sault Ste. Marie and Algoma District and Victim Services Algoma, to provide additional services in the downtown core. Our partners, in addition to an increased police presence, will strive to improve the safety and well-being of the area.
Sault Police thank The Rector and Wardens of St. Luke’s Cathedral Sault Ste. Marie and The Incorporated Synod of The Diocese of Algoma for its partnership in this important venture for our community. The Sault Police signed a 10 year agreement to occupy the site known as Cathedral Close, and will be at a rate of approximately $80,000 annually.
Sault Police appreciate the community’s support and patience during this transition period. Our commitment to being a modern police service for a safer tomorrow remains steadfast as we continue to serve and protect the people of Sault Ste. Marie and Prince Township with the highest standards of professionalism and dedication.