Bear Encounter on Pinder Trail at Hiawatha
On March 30th, 2024, Sault Police attended the area of Pinder Trails at Hiawatha Highlands in response to a report of a mother bear and two cubs. The adult bear and cubs were not located but are believed to still be in the area of Hiawatha. No physical injuries were reported. Please be aware of the bear and cubs if attending in the Hiawatha area.
Bear Safety
If you find yourself in a situation with an angry or agitated bear:
- Slowly back away while keeping the bear in sight and wait for it to leave.
- If the bear does not leave, throw objects, wave your arms and make noise with a whistle or air horn.
- Prepare to use bear spray.
- If you are near a building or vehicle get inside as a precaution.
Do not
- Run, climb a tree or swim — a bear can do these things much better than you
- Kneel down
- Make direct eye contact
- Let your dog off its leash
- Attempt to feed a bear
For more detailed information, please reference the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry Bear Wise program by clicking here.