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Senior Command

The executive leadership team of the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service is known as Senior Command. The Chief of Police, Deputy Chief, and four Inspectors are experienced officers who lead the organization daily and help set the path of the service moving forward.

Portrait of Deputy Chief Brent Duguay

Deputy Chief Brent Duguay

Deputy Duguay has served the City of Sault Ste Marie as a police officer for more than 28 years, and was named the Deputy Chief of Police in January 2024.

In his career he has performed a variety of duties in both uniform patrol and criminal investigations. While a member of the criminal investigative branch he served in the Joint Forces Drug Unit, the Provincial Biker Enforcement Unit and the Provincial Proceeds of Crime Unit. As a result of these assignments Deputy Duguay has had the opportunity to participate in a number of high profile, multi-jurisdictional investigations.

In 2007, he joined the Ontario Police College in Aylmer Ontario as a seconded instructor where he taught firearms and defensive tactics. He returned to Sault Ste Marie in 2009 and eventually became the training supervisor for the service. Deputy Duguay served as a supervisor in the criminal investigation branch, the Crime Suppression Unit, the Drug Enforcement Unit and uniform patrol. He was promoted to Inspector in December 2018 and spent time in charge of Support Services and Investigation Services. He has served on a number of committees throughout his career including the Sault and Area Drug Strategy Committee and the Coalition of Inclusive Municipalities Committee.

Inspector Duguay has a Bachelor degree in Social Science with a concentration in Sociology from the University of Ottawa.


Inspector Mike Davey

Inspector Davey has been a member of the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service since 1988.  During his tenure Inspector Davey has served in a number of areas of our Service, including a Patrol Constable, Sergeant and Staff Sergeant, a Detective Constable and Detective Sergeant, Training Sergeant, Crime Stoppers Sergeant, Court Services Sergeant and Staff Sergeant, Inspector of Support Services, Inspector of Patrol Services and Inspector of Emergency Management & Business Continuity.

Inspector Davey is a longtime advocate for Victim’s rights and has lobbied at both the municipal and provincial level to improve services for victims.  He has sat on various boards and committees and has helped to develop strong relationships with our community partners and stakeholders. He is a recipient of our 30 year Police Exemplary Service Medal.


Inspector William Freeman

Inspector Freeman has served the City of Sault Ste. Marie as a police officer since 1998. Throughout his career he has served in various areas of the Service including; Patrol Constable, Sergeant and Staff Sergeant, Emergency Services Unit Constable and Sergeant, Staff Sergeant Professional Standards, Inspector - Patrol Services, Inspector - Support, and his current role as the Inspector - Investigation Services.

Inspector Freeman served as the Sergeant of the ESU for five years from 2012-2017. During that time he was heavily involved in the development of joint forces tactical training and was one of the first trained negotiators in the Service.

Inspector Freeman spent many years coaching local minor hockey teams and spent time as a member of the Victim Services of Algoma Board of Directors.

He has received numerous citations and commendations, including 20 year Police Exemplary Service and has received his Service Fitness PIN every year of his career.


Inspector Ben Bolduc

Inspector Bolduc has been a member of the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service since 1999. During his career he has served the community in various areas including; as a Constable on Patrol, a member of the Emergency Services Unit serving as a sniper and team leader, Sergeant of Training Services, Staff Sergeant on Patrol and the Professional Standards Bureau and as the Inspector - Corporate Development and Emergency Management. He is currently the Inspector - Patrol Services.

Inspector Bolduc served as a Crisis Negotiator and is a certified instructor on Use of Force, Carbine Rifle, Armoured Vehicle Operations, Warrant Service and First Aid.

Inspector Bolduc spent numerous years coaching youth football in Sault Ste. Marie and is currently a board member with Women in Crisis.

Inspector Bolduc is a graduate of Sault College where he received a diploma in Law & Security and went on to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice at Lake Superior State University.  He is a recipient of the 20 year Police Exemplary Service Medal.

Portrait of Inspector Derek Dewar

Inspector Derek Dewar

Inspector Dewar has been a member of the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service since 2001. He has served various roles throughout his career.

Beginning as a Constable in Patrol Services, he moved to the Street Team, Community Oriented Response and Enforcement (CORE) Unit, Drug Enforcement Unit, Joint Force Operations and Investigation Services.

After being promoted to Sergeant he spent time as a supervisor in Patrol Services, Investigation Services, the Crime Suppression Unit, and the Drug Enforcement Unit.

Following another promotion, this time to Staff Sergeant, he spent time in Patrol Services, Professional Standards and rebuilt the Uniform Recruitment process for the service.

Currently the Inspector - Support Services, Inspector Dewar has conducted training for the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service, the Ontario Police College, and Criminal Intelligence Service Ontario. He was part of the Ontario Police College Search Warrant Train the Trainer Committee from 2015 to 2022. Inspector Dewar was designated as a Peace Officer for emergency wiretaps authorizations and is also designated as a Peace Officer in the Alberta.

An Algoma University alumni, he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree with a combined concentration in psychology and sociology. In addition to his post-secondary education, he has successfully completed numerous courses related to policing, community safety and professional standards.

Prior to being a police officer Inspector Dewar was employed as a Federal Correctional Officer.

Portrait of Inspector Jason Rains

Inspector Jason Rains

Inspector Rains has been a member of the Sault Ste Marie Police Service since 1992.

Beginning as a Constable with Patrol Services, he most notably became the Service’s first Canine Handler in 1998, he worked with his canine partners until 2011.

In 2016 he was promoted to Sergeant on Patrol and in 2018 was transferred to Investigations where he was promoted to Staff Sergeant in 2019 and Inspector in 2024.

Inspector Rains has worked with several committees both at the local and provincial level.  He is a recipient of the 30 year Police Exemplary Service Medal. In 2005 he was awarded the Chamber of Commerce Police Officer of the Year and in 2006 received a Sault Ste Marie Police Services Board Commendation. He has achieved the Ontario Police Fitness Award for more than 30 years.

Inspector Rains has been recognized as an expert witness in Ontario Court of Justice and Ontario Superior Court of Justice.

He graduated Summa Cum Laude at Lake Superior State University with a Criminal Justice-Law Enforcement Associate Degree.

Inspector Rains is currently assigned to Corporate Development and Emergency Management.