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Non Emergency: (705) 949 – 6300




This page has lots of resources for fun, learning, and getting help. Click on the section you want to skip to or scroll down to explore the page.

Online Activities


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    Zoe & Molly Online is an interactive series that gives kids ages 8 to 10 an opportunity to have some fun exploring what it means to be safe while playing games online.

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    Welcome to Interland, a game designed to provide lessons for online safety. Play Interland to become a more confident explorer of the online world. Interland is an interactive desktop game designed for kids aged eight to twelve. 

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    SOS is a grade-specific game for 3rd -8th grade students. The students answer questions and collect gold coins while exploring a map. The game covers concepts such as being cyber-friendly, appropriate sharing, securing your information and protecting yourself against predators.

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    CEOP Education from the National Crime Agency in the UK has a website with games for children. The games are interactive and easy to navigate. Topics covered include watching videos, sharing pictures, playing games, and chatting online. The ability to find games for different ages helps educators tailor the games for specific grade levels.

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    This interactive unit is designed to help kids between the ages of 5 and 8 recognize the marketing techniques used on commercial websites that target children.

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    This tutorial introduces children, ages 7-9, to the concept of online privacy and teaches them to distinguish between information that is appropriate to give out and information better kept private – and to recognize how this may change in different contexts.

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    Cyber Choices is an interactive game designed to help students in grades 3 to 5 develop the skills and habits they need to make safe and responsible choices online. Cyber Choices lets students explore four different stories that cover key issues such as making good choices about their own and others’ personal information, dealing with cyberbullying (as both a target and a witness) and managing online conflict. 

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    Data Defenders is an interactive game that teaches children and pre-teens the concept of personal information and its economic value, and introduces them to ways to manage and protect their personal information on the websites and apps they enjoy

Printable Booklets and Worksheets

Need Help?

In an emergency, always call 9-1-1. If it's not an emergency but you still need to tell the police something important, please call the Sault Police at 705-949-6300. Our police officers are kind, empathetic, and helpful.

Virtual Resources

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    A safe space to talk, 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
    • Languages: English and French
    • Call: 9-8-8
    • Text: 9-8-8
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    If you need help right now, you can talk to a trained volunteer crisis responder about anything you're going through. No issue is too big or too small. Kids Help Phone is free and available 24/7. In addition to English and French, you can now connect with Kids Help Phone’s professional counsellors in over 100 languages.

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    A 365-day-a-year, 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week national support network. We offer life-changing assistance to Canadian bullied kids via telephone, email and texting.

    • Call our toll-free number: (877) 352-4497 and follow the prompts to access our Lifeline Support Team!
    • Text us anytime! Simply send an SMS message to: (877) 352-4497
    • Prefer to email? Email:
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    If a nude of you under the age of 18 has been shared online, or you have experienced luring, sextortion, or other forms of online sexual violence as a youth, our support team can:

    • Help you with next steps
    • Send notices to assist with having offending accounts suspended and/or removed
    • Send notices to platforms through Project Arachnid, our tool to help take down abusive images
    • Help connect you to additional services like counselling/therapy, peer support, or victim services that are a right fit, and available in your area
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    When life’s got you down, One Stop Talk is here for you. Children and youth up to 18 years of age can instantly connect with a therapist and develop a plan together to move forward and feel better.

    • Free therapy sessions (no appointment required)
    • Registered, culturally diverse therapists
    • Connection to ongoing local support
    • Confidential and culturally safe

Local Resources

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    Canadian Mental Health Association offers a free Walk-In Counselling Service on Tuesdays between 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The single session walk-in counselling service provides brief counselling services for children, youth, adults, couples, and families.  There is no need to make an appointment as they work on a first come first served basis. They offer a variety of other services, too!

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    There are things Children’s Aid Society (CAS) can do to help keep you safe and help make things better for you. If you are being abused, or if you think that a friend is being abused, please call us anytime day or night. We can help.

    Please call us:

    • If you are experiencing serious conflict in your family
    • If you are being, have been, or you are afraid you will be abused or neglected
    • If you are aware of another child/youth who may be abused or neglected
    • If you know or suspect that another child/youth is exposed to violence at home
    • If you need help regarding a pregnancy
    • If, as a parent, you find the stress becoming overwhelming
    • If your parents abuse drugs or alcohol, and you do not feel safe
    • If you were kicked out of your house and need a place to stay
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    The Indigenous Friendship Centre, located at 122 East Street, offers culturally-based programming for Urban Indigenous children between the ages of 7-12, and 13-18. Programs provide support, tools, and healthy activities (e.g. homework help, referral to community resources, recreation, cultural outings, talking circles, peer support, nutrition programming, life skills, and more).

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    The KLUB Community Centre is a non-profit 2S-LGBTQIA+ Community Centre for recreation, art and culture programs for youth & adults🌈